Monday, September 23, 2019

United States v. Angevine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

United States v. Angevine - Essay Example Therefore, companies reserve their rights to exercise these policies and/or regulations at their discretion. Any violation of these policies and/or regulations can also result in serious disciplinary actions and other consequences, which are usually mentioned or detailed in the policies/regulations. Employees cannot expect to have privacy in usage of such equipment meant for official use though the equipment may be carried out of official premises and can be used as per the employees’ needs. Therefore, employees cannot expect to have explicit assurances of privacy on usage of such equipment and are thus obliged to follow the regulations set forth by their company. Moreover, a company hires employees to achieve a specific goal, which becomes a shared goal of all employees; this shared goal is achieved by collective efforts of all employees. In order to help them achieve these goals, companies provide them with all sorts of facilities, equipment, tools, and technology. Thus employees are expected to make use of these facilities only to enhance theirs and company’s performance. Usage of such equipment for any personal reasons would be a violation of the code. Most companies do not object usage of equipment for personal reasons as long as the reasons are genuine and w ithin limits of law. If the equipment is used for illegal, unethical, and immoral reasons, then the company has the right to seize the equipment. In order to prevent such undesirable usage, companies also reserve the right to monitor the usage of their equipment with or without the users’ knowledge. Companies that offer such equipment to their employees for professional usage usually educate the employees about these guidelines. As seen in the case of United States versus Angevine, the Oklahoma State University computer policy clearly mentions about the usage limits, privacy and

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