Thursday, September 12, 2019

Professional Code of Conduct Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional Code of Conduct Exercise - Essay Example Construction managers are called to avoid conflict of interest by shunning projects that compromise integrity and objectivity. CMAA code of ethics requires its members to bargain openly for fair compensation. The code provides that construction managers release truthful information and keep other information confidential. Construction managers are required not to discriminate potential clients. CMAA members are encouraged to strive for professional development and to uphold the integrity of their profession (Ghillyer 12). I agree with everything that is stated in the CMAA code of ethics. My agreement with this code is underpinned by its comprehensiveness. This is seen in the way its elements touch on the welfare of all the stakeholders including construction managers, the profession of construction, clients and the public at large. Additionally, this code of ethics is acceptable because it promotes a robust practice. Its emphasis on qualification, competence, and integrity underscores this robustness. CMAA code of ethics is designed in such a way that it can be domesticated into other fields and professions and this is another reason why I agree with it. For example, the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and fair competition can apply in business and medicine. This code of ethics also encourages professional development and as such, it promotes a self-reinforcing practice (Ghillyer 13). Accountability is one of the ethical considerations that can be added to CMAA code of ethics. This would encourage construction managers to ensure that they have enough justification for the decisions they make and the actions they take. Facilitation of evaluation is another ethical consideration that can be added into CMAA professional code of ethics. This would impress on construction managers to use their knowledge and experience in evaluating the quality of

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